The Complete Guide to Treating Wrinkles

Wrinkles are lines and creases that form within your skin due to different reasons such as age, sun exposure, stress, smoking, and so many other similar components. However, age is one of the most prominent reasons we get wrinkles since as we get older our skin becomes far less elastic and fragile.

The cutback of natural oils production tends to dry out your skin that makes it look even more wrinkled. The fat within your face tends to dissolve, leaving your skin loose and saggy thus allowing for more fine lines to appear.

Usually, the wrinkle fillers are typically categorized under two labels and they are static and dynamic. The dynamic wrinkles will appear when you are constantly making certain facial movements like squinting and smiling. These tend to fade after your facial expressions change. 

The static wrinkles are the ones that remain on your face at all times regardless of the movements you are making. They tend to develop and worsen over time due to several external factors. The problem arises when overtime, as you age the dynamic wrinkles become static wrinkles and stay. The mouth area is a prominent region, and the wrinkles there can really tarnish your entire look.

Causes of wrinkles

Exposure to the sun, passing years, and decades of smoking are surefire ways to have wrinkles form on your skin. These factors will add effects like the thinning of the epidermal, loss of elasticity, and fragility of the skin which will cause it to the crease. While you cannot control the way time passes, you can definitely control how much exposure to UV rays you are getting, and the smoking habits you have instilled within you.

Where do wrinkles typically form?

Usually, wrinkles can appear anywhere on your body, however, there are some pretty common and prominent areas on our face that are victims of it. Your face has 42 individual muscles which can easily fall prey to sun exposure.

Crow’s feet

These are the first signs of aging, typically. Around 84% of women tend to notice crow’s feet as signs of the aging way before any other wrinkles or fine lines. This is because the skin around the eyes is the thinnest and so there is not collagen or elastin there, to begin with. This is why the slightest sun exposure can completely change the skin there, considering how much we squint our eyes.

Glabellar Lines

These are the vertical lines that form between your eyebrows. They look like the number 11 and are usually caused by furrowing the brows, which make them the perfect example of dynamic wrinkles.

Laugh lines

These are usually present around the corners of the mouth. Our mouth is the most dynamic part of our face, and so it is obvious that we would find wrinkles form in that region far too quickly.

What to do about them

You can do at-home treatments like retinoid and sunblock, but for more instant results we would suggest dermal fillers and Botox. Dermal fillers are usually made of hyaluronic acid and add volume to the skin, whereas Botox paralyzes the muscles and stops you from aging.
