In COVID-19, People Are Asking For Botox House Calls

COVID-19 has turned the world upside down and thrown our entire routine out of whack. Restaurants, cafes, academic institutions, and so many other facilities have shut down for the fear of the virus getting out of hand even further. Every day, we get reports of a new batch of people who have been affected and the vaccines seem to be nowhere in sight. 

The amount of uncertainty has caused many of us to panic and rightfully so. The simplest things like waking up in the morning and going to the office are inaccessible now, and that means the situation is a lot worse for most of us. 

People who have been getting facial injections such as dermal fillers for lips, or Botox, are in a significant amount of panic, and rightfully so. As we start aging our facial skin starts getting infested with fine lines and wrinkles. 

Those are aesthetically pleasing to none and can alter our view of self, so many of us set out to correct them. 

Options are like Botox and Dermal Fillers are super popular amongst many clients from different age ranges. 

Botox and Dermal fillers are popular among men and women (majority) of different ages. Some of them start from age 18, such as Kylie Jenner. It was the famous Kardashian family member who was the main precursor behind dermal fillers’ newfound fame.

People, especially teenagers and young adults were immensely impressed by her new pout, and news channels would not stop reporting the remarkable aesthetic change. 

It soon became a sought after procedure by many, but for several different reasons such as cheek fillers, wrinkle and fine lines filling, and lip fillers. 

Soon Google images were filled with lip fillers before and after pictures, and aestheticians would not stop seeing an influx of a new group of hopefuls in their office every day. 

However, the emergence of the coronavirus has really turned the whole gig upside down and sent many into panic mode. The thing with dermal fillers and Botox is that they have a period after which they break down and dissolve. This means that you will have to go get your procedure done after every 6 to 12 months. 

Government-mandated office shutdowns mean that the clients cannot get their procedures done anymore. 

Of course, these had been set in place to help the citizens of the country stay safe, however, it doesn’t help the individual’s situation on a personal level. 

This has led them to place several in house calls, where they ask the aestheticians to give them a private session at their home. However, several professions are bent on following the protocols placed by the government, citing that they do not want to take any chances. 

With time, it does seem that the policies are becoming laxer as time goes by and we become used to the virus being around. Of course, we cannot completely halt the inner workings of the world because of the pandemic, so there are forecasts of things opening up soon with set SOPs in place. 
